Gapminder #1

May 26, 2009$majorMode=chart$is;shi=t;ly=2003;lb=f;il=t;fs=11;al=30;stl=t;st=t;nsl=t;se=t$wst;tts=C$ts;sp=6;ti=1999$zpv;v=0$inc_x;mmid=XCOORDS;iid=phAwcNAVuyj2tPLxKvvnNPA;by=ind$inc_y;mmid=YCOORDS;iid=pyj6tScZqmEewsQOoKrtYJQ;by=ind$inc_s;uniValue=8.21;iid=phAwcNAVuyj0XOoBL_n5tAQ;by=ind$inc_c;uniValue=255;gid=CATID0;by=grp$map_x;scale=lin;dataMin=12;dataMax=83$map_y;scale=lin;dataMin=0.8;dataMax=96$map_s;sma=49;smi=2.65$cd;bd=0$inds=

After several different choices of indicators, I have chosen the ” Contraceptive Use (% of women aged 15 – 49) and Life expectancy. As expected they are related in the way I had presumed. The graph had a pretty constant trend with a line that was diagonally raised to the right. This line showed that for the most part the less amount of contraceptives that are used, the lower the life expectancy is. However there are some exceptions stating that with a less amount of contraceptives used the life expectancy is still high.  This is what i thought the graph would have shown before seeing it.  The graph also showed that the countries in Africa tended to be on the lowest part of the graph showing lowest percent of contraceptive use and lowest life expectancy. In contrast the countries in the european region as well as the americas had a much higher position on the graph, and Asia was scattered around the graph.

I think what the graph showed is that in general countries who have a higher percentage of contraceptive usage also have a higher life expectancy. I can see how this is true, for example in Africa. In Africa the amount of contraceptives used is very low, with this many children being born, the health care in Africa being less than satisfactory and with so many children and diseases its hard for the life expectancy rate to be high. With countries that generally have better health its easy to see that both the contraceptive usage and life expectancy are higher. 

Some limitations of this graph are that the life expectancy rate can be heavily impacted by other factors besides the contraceptive usage, so its an unfair statement to say that life expectancy is impacted heavily by the contraceptive usage. Other limitations include that it may not be possible to really know the percent of contraceptives that are used for all sexual activity in the public of these countries. Overall it was interesting to see the trend of the graph and how the two indicators impacted the other.

Lemon Tree #5

February 11, 2009

With Sandy Tolan’s violent story line it was very shocking to hear of the blasts in 1948. Many innocent people were killed  which is the most unfortunate of all. “One night in early April 1947, the Khair home was jolted by a series of blasts coming from the edge of town. Soon the news arrived: The head quarters of Hassan Salameh, the ex mufti’s commander whose base was just outside al Ramla, had been devastated. Recruits from the Haganah had blown a rocket through the fence surrounding the headquarters, then thrown explosives into into the building, bringing it down in a series of spectacular explosions. At least seventeen of the mufti’s men were killed. Volunteers rushed to the scene from al- Ramla and Lydda. Eyewitnesses saw body parts hanging from the trees” ( pg 52) This paragraph was especially shocking for me, with the graphic details. Its so unfortunate that because of small battles that such horrific things have to happen. Many innocent people are killed, and Sandy Tolan uses such intense detail that it almost makes you feel as though you are in the event.

Lemon Tree #4

February 11, 2009

When many jews were fleeing to Palestine, others no longer wanted to be under the Soviet’s rule, and desired to flee too. This however was not allowed at all situations.  “The crisis brought out the worst in people. One refugee would recall a wealthy woman and a prominent citizen of Ramallah standing on her balcony, tossing out handfuls of sugar – coated nuts, watching with evident pleasure as the new arrivals fought over the sweets” ( pg 88) Clearly this wouldn’t be the norm for the upper class people to act in such a manner. They are probably very happy that they have such a fortunate position in the battle, and feel the need to brag about the success to others. These people are also upset that ” you sold your land to the Jews and cam here!… why wouldn’t you defend yourselves?” ( pg 88) Clearly the problems have caused large uproar and as stated before brought the worst out of people.  In any other circumstances it would be unusual for upper class people to act in such a classless manner.

Lemon Tree #3

February 10, 2009

Quote Analysis:

The author Sandy Tolan makes a great job of truly expressing the characters feelings through words.  When Bashir Khiari participates in the Supersol market bombings he is convicted and sent to prison for 15 years. “In September 1984, having served fifteen years for his conviction in the Supersol market bombing, Bashir Khairi was released from prison. It was one of two truly happy moments Khanom would remember about her brother. The other she recalled when he was born” (pg. 188) What surprises me the most about this quote is how true Bashir Khairi’s sister’s feelings are for her brother. She clearly has a very close and strong relationship and missed him dearly while he was imprisoned.  Not only was his sister very happy about his release from prison but in fact many people were savoring the day. ” The israelis did not notice it. But so many people had heard that Bashir was to be released, they gathered around the prison walls to welcome him.” (pg. 188) With this quote it is clear to see that Bashir is a clear hero throughout his community, and Sandy Tolan uses great detail to portray this.

Lemon Tree #2

February 9, 2009

Quote Analysis:

“Bashier, Yasser and Ghiath emerged from the bus into a hot glaring world at once bizarre and familiar…the edge of the neighborhood where they were raised” (pg 5)

Bashier, Yasser, and Ghiath are the three cousins who were previously mentioned who are are originally from Israel, however currently live in Palestine. They long for a trip back to Israel to rediscover their roots and see where they spent their chid-hood years. When they finally have the opportunity to travel back to Israel I sense they are apprehensive about the trip. They suspect that Israel has stood still, and made no changes over time since they left  as children. Although they are surprised when they return, and although some characteristics are the same, many changes have been made. I feel as though going back to visit your hometown would be a very emotional experience. The author, Sandy Tolan gives the impression that it is a very moving trip and brings back many memories for the three men. She uses adequate amounts of description to give the reader the true feeling as to how the cousins feel.

Lemon Tree Post #1

February 9, 2009

After the first chapter in the book, the foundation of the story has been set up. Three cousins Bashir Khairi, Yasser and Ghiath set on a journey back to Israel, their homeland. Bashir is able to find his old house form his childhood, which has a planted lemon tree which is the significance of the title.  So far i feel as though the book is rather confusing because it introduces many new characters which complicates the story line. Despite this, it’s interesting to see how two completely different characters have something in common, and will later meet in the future. Additionally the author Sandy  Tolan chooses to give a substantial amount of historical context for a large portion of the introduction. This makes the book even harder to understand, although right now I am eager to see the outcome of the story. Perhaps the historical content will also help make the story line easer to understand later on

Obama’s Plan for the Future

November 20, 2008

One of Barack Obama’s main plans for the future is to save Americans money when it comes to healthcare. He believes that if his plan is followed American families can save up to $250,000, in terms of overall health costs including insurances. In terms of medicine supply, Obama plans to lower the cost of drugs which will be a result of accepting more safe guaranteed medicines from developed countries. In addition to this, generic drugs will be used in an increasing amount as well as cheaper companies that supply them. All of these factors are very imporant for the well being of all American citizens. With cheaper health care it is much easier for those less fortunate to stay on top of their health.

Not only will prices be reduced, but Obama intends to increase public health. This will be accomplished by offering covered screenings for illnesses, and making sure states are prepared for natural disasters and terror attacks. This information without a doubt can be trusted as it has come directly from Barack Obama’s website.

These plans for the future are crucial, as in my opinion the American health care system is not reaching its full potential. There are many people in the US who do not have adequate money to pay for health services which they or their family members may need. Everyone in the world should be interested in this, because all Americans should be entitled to health care that they can afford

Health Care

November 10, 2008

The recent US presidential elections have been a major part of the news for the past 6 months. Last Tuesday Barrack Obama was elected into the white house. Not only was everyone excited about a change in the white house, but the fact that Obama is the first african american president. Although Obama has laid out somewhat of his plans for the next 4 years, many people are wondering what his goals are for healthcare. According to Global Voices Online, one of Obama’s goals is to help the AIDS/HIV epidemic. Barrack Obama and Joe Biden have set out a goal in which they hope to donate at least $50 billion dollars in order to conquer the widespread disease.

Although this seems like a big task to take on, I feel as though Obama is doing the right thing. He clearly feels very strong about helping those effected by AIDS/HIV. With many people’s excitment circling Obama’s win, hopefully he will make the world, especially the US a better place for all.

November 2, 2008

Amy Murray

World Mapper Blog


According to the Universal Declaration of Human Right, every human has the right to adequate health care. Although I was aware that certain places in the world did not have access to this, I was shocked at the statistics. According to world mapper, 4.5 billion people have access to basic health care. I find this poor, as I believe that everyone in the world should have basic health care when needed. I also think that despite people’s wealth, race or gender everyone should be entitled to the same level of health services. Although it is understandable that money can buy you a higher standard of medical care, every person should at least be entitled to basic services. 

Essay Grading

October 28, 2008

Generally throughout my middle and high school years, all of my essays have been graded in the same way. The usual red pen marks stating positive and negative comments throughout the paragraphs. Although this year, Mr. Bergey introduced a new way of grading essays by recording his thoughts.  At first I thought this would be a great way of getting feedback, as it was the first time Mr Bergey had read the essay so we would be getting his honest opinion. However when I listened to the recording, I realized I much preferred the standard way of grading. It seemed as though every single sentence was bad, and needed critiqued. Considering this, it became very hard to know if anything was good about the essay. Later we were then told to correct our essay, with the intention of listening to Mr. Bergey’s remarks while make changes. However with technical difficulties this no longer was possible to do. After this I realized how much simpler it is just to have a hard copy of the essay with the comments on it. If this had been the case then I would have been able to see what was negative and positive about the essay and improved by correcting and having a different final copy.